Do I have to be licensed to start a daycare?
Not neccessarily, some states require you to be licensed, some do not.
Some states require you only to be registered if you have less than a certain number of children you are caring for.
Contact your local licensing agency to be sure:
Do I have to be licensed to start a home daycare?
(All Daycare Facilities are required to be licensed)
Not neccessarily, some states require you to be licensed, some do not.
Some states require you only to be registered if you have less than a certain number of children you are caring for.
Contact your local licensing agency to be sure:
Do I have to be licensed to submit my daycare on this site?
No, since not all states require some daycares (home) to be licensed you do not have to be licesned to submit your daycare:
What is the average cost of daycare?
Rates/Tutition varies from state to state and city to city. Depends on the demographics and
income level in your area. The best thing to do is call 3 or 4 daycares in you area and then call 3 or 4 home daycare in you area
to get an average weekly fees. Tuition varies depending on type of care, infants usually are more
and as depends what the provider/daycare/preschool offers. For more info go here:
How do I report a suspected violation by a provider?
Reporting varies from state to state, some states have a 1-800 numbers and some state
require you to call DCFS or the Local Childcare Licensing Agency.
What are provider/child ratios?
Ratios vary from state to state, and sometimes county to county.
Also ratios vary from home daycare to daycare center or facility.
Go here for more info:
How do I check if my provider has any past violations against them?
In most states providers are required to post there violations history or required to show you
a document when you asked. Volation reports are by law avaible to the public. In some states
you are able to view violations reports on line.
The Daycare Resource Connection does not endorse, license, nor otherwise
recommend listings found at The Daycare Resource Connection. We are not
affiliated with any government, state or county agencies. We are merely a
daycare listing resource site. We suggest you check your state and local
regulations before enrolling your child in a center or home daycare.